The Atlas Report

Read by thousands of professionals each month, our objective is to be the world’s No. 1 Climate and Environmental Science newsletter.

If you are brave enough to be critical of consensus thinking, and are willing to entertain sometimes contrarian positions on controversial topics, you won’t be disappointed!

Whether you are a professional in an environmental or related field, or perhaps just interested to learn more about these topics, my aim is to help you deepen your understanding and encourage you to think more deeply around these critical issues.

Who am I?

I’m an environmental chemist, consultant and investor.

Combining my passion for science and summoning my inner entrepreneurial flare, I co-founded the award-winning environmental consultancy firm, WKC Group.

‘‘Having established offices in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa, I helped turn our startup into a multi-million dollar company.’’

I have undertaken environmental consultancy work for hundreds of clients around the world, working on developments of all shape and sizes, in many interesting sectors from oil & gas and energy, through to airports and hotels. My professional consultancy work has focused predominantly on reducing pollution, protecting populations, conserving biodiversity and preserving natural resources.

In addition to curating The Atlas Report, I maintain a position on the board of my consultancy business as well as running an environmental-tech business that provides tools and helps educate environmental consultants and engineers.

I studied for my graduate and post-graduate science degrees in Lancashire and London, England. I lived in the Middle East for the majority of my career while travelling extensively around the world for both pleasure and profession.

And now I live with my family in the spectacular Scandinavian countryside.

Please do connect and engage with me on other channels. You can try Twitter and LinkedIn to keep track of what I’m up to, and get a glimpse of some of my more ‘unfiltered’ thoughts on a broader range of topics!

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Environmental Chemist, Consultant and Investor.